SustainabilityISO Certification

ISO14001 ISO9001 ISO/IEC27001 JIS Q 15001

    • Date:Sep. 1st, 2000
    • Certificate:JQA-EM0974
    • Agency:JQA*
    • *To date:Osaka Headquarters and Kyoto have received ISO14001.
    • Date:Mar. 3rd, 2006
    • Certificate:JQA-QMA12673
    • Agency:JQA*
    • *To date:Osaka Headquarters, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Tottori, Oita and Gaudi have received ISO9001.
    • Date:Dec. 18th, 2009
    • Certificate:JQA-IM0793
    • Agency:JQA*
    • *To date:Osaka Headquarters, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, Fukuoka and Oita have received ISO/IEC27001.
    • Date:Feb. 17th, 2023
    • Certificate:JQA-KP0028
    • Agency:JQA*
    • *To date:ICT Innovation Sales Department, Yokohama and Oita have received ISO15001.

Environmental Policy

Our Mission

MIKASA SHOJI CO., LTD. recognized vital importance of the protection of global environment. We are fully committed to pursue the environmental activities to protect the global environment as well as to promote the sustainable development of our society.

Our Principles

  1. We make our best effort to reduce the environmental impacts of our business activities including the energy and the resources used in the products and services.
  2. We continue to improve our environment management system to achieve our mission for the environment as well as to prevent the pollution.
  3. We comply with relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements. We also continue to pursue our own environmental management.
  4. We continue to focus on waste reduction, reusing, recycling, green materials, energy efficiency and the promotion of our green products.
  5. Environmental Principal is documented, executed and maintained.
  6. We raise the environmental awareness among the employees by providing information and education for the environment.
  7. Environment Principal is open to public.

Quality Policy

MIKASA SHOJI CO., LTD. is dedicated to quality to deliver the products, technology and services that meet the customer’s needs and requirements.

  1. We continue to enhance awareness of quality across the company to meet the regulations, legislations and customer requirements.
  2. We implement ISO9001 quality management system for continuous improvement of the quality.
  3. We set quality targets and pursue the activities to achieve them.
  4. We identify and understand customers’ needs and expectations and deliver the products, technology and services on time.
  5. We secure appropriate profit and continue to develop our business.
  6. Our quality policy is shared among the employees and reviewed on a regular basis.

Information Security Policy


Our mission is to contribute to the society through our sound business activities. We understand that it is essential for our mission to protect information provided by our customers and partners and the information assets that we own.

Fundamental Principles

  1. Implementation of information security management system
    We will appoint the information security management officer as well as information security committee to ensure the implementation of information security management across the organization.
  2. Review and update on information security policy
    The fundamental principles will be reviewed and improved regularly in response to the changes in the management environment, social environment, law and regulations, information technologies as well as newly identified risks.
  3. Protection of information asset
    Proper security measures will be implemented to protect and manage information that we collect and own. Preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information will also be ensured.
  4. Compliance with laws and regulations
    We will comply with applicable laws and regulations and contractual requirements related to information security management.
  5. Education and promotion of awareness
    We will provide education and training in regard to information security to raise the employee awareness of the importance and the management of the information security.
  6. Business continuity management
    We will ensure business continuity during planned or unplanned disruption caused by natural disaster, system failure and misuse of information that affect normal business operations.
  7. Information security incident management
    We will respond appropriately to information security incident to minimize the impact and investigate the cause to prevent recurrence.

About the Personal Information Protection Management System (PMS)

As a business operator engaged in sales of educational electronic equipment and trading company activities, we are acutely aware of the importance and social responsibility of handling personal information, and in accordance with the “JIS Q15001 Personal Information Protection Management Systems: Requirements”, we will build a personal information Protection Management System (PMS), with which we will make every effort to protect personal information.
